I was reading an article by Christopher Hosford in BtoB Magazine, entitled “Survey: Virtual events appeal to marketers.”

The article provided data from a survey by ON24 on the popularity of virtual conferences for B2B marketing. This didn’t surprise me, given the increasing numbers of email invites to online conferences I’ve received. It makes sense that use of this forward thinking, efficient and innovative event forum is on the rise. Travel budgets are being reduced. Time is scarce in the current economic climate. And everyone wants to reach more people online, cost-effectively.

20 Tips for Planning Internet Marketing Online Events

I’ve attended a number of virtual conferences over the last few months. While the concept is appealing, you may find your brain jamming up with ideas, as I did while I watched and participated. So here are a few thoughts and tips if you are planning an online event.

  1. Warm, non mechanical interaction is critical
  2. Strive for a human approach
  3. Flawless audio and visuals are key for attendees
  4. Promote the event early and consistently
  5. Use varied media to remind registrants: phone, email, and social media
  6. Use varied media to follow up with attendees and non-attendees
  7. Entice invitees to attend
  8. Solicit feedback in a warm personal manner
  9. Ensure topics are diverse and popular
  10. Ensure content is unique, engaging and relevant
  11. Add contrast to presentations – at some point presentations begin to blend
  12. Make sure contact information is easy to find, is accurate, and is available in different forms
  13. Respond quickly, accurately and pleasantly to inquires
  14. Test all technical mechanisms early, thoroughly and constantly
  15. Make the process to participate effortless and simple
  16. Ensure the conference experience is captivating and jaw dropping for the attendee
  17. Use tools that mimic the real thing
  18. It needs to feel real and be real even though it is not
  19. Be careful how you reach out and market after the event: don’t bombard
  20. Experiment, test, solicit feedback, and listen

Want to include a virtual event in your inside sales lead generation mix? I hope some of these suggestions enhance your audience’s virtual experience. Good luck!