Searching for the best lead qualification process is a continuous job screaming for perfection. But as we all know, there is no such thing as perfection. So I’d like to share one way to help sales and marketing organizations improve their process to qualify leads.

As simple as this may seem, one way to improve the lead qualification process is superior communication between sales representatives and the representatives who qualify leads. While this seems quite simple, the disconnect between the interaction of sales with qualifying efforts and vice versa is very real.

In order for the qualification process to reach the highest levels of quantity and quality, sales and marketing must unite. Equally important, sales representatives and lead qualification representatives must be joined at the hip.

Here are a few tips to help foster unity and collaboration in sales and marketing organizations:

1. Sales and lead qualification representatives should plan jointly. There should be a synergy between a sales representative and a corresponding lead qualification representative about the account contacts lead qualification representatives are attempting to engage and interact with.

2. Sales should share relevant information with their lead qualification counterparts as they work with prospects.
Exchange information during the sales cycle to help them best qualify opportunities for sales.

3. Sales should find time or schedule periodic discussions with their counterparts to review their progress, answer any questions, and share insights and guidance. These live interactions help those who are qualifying leads to stay on track. And it delivers the types of opportunities or leads sales may be looking for.

4. Lead qualification representatives should organize their information and share their findings openly. Both positive and negative findings need to be shared with sales representative they are supporting. Equally important lead qualification representatives should share any other relevant data they uncover with sales. Lead qualification representatives should also ask questions to better train themselves to better qualify leads.

5. Lead qualification representatives should sit with sales and understand exactly what will be considered a qualified sales lead to the sales representative they are supporting. Sales may want their counterparts who are qualifying leads to test the message.

6. Lead qualification representatives like sales should update their CRM system to make sure both parties have access to the same information. This will foster better communication and take less time to review the data that each party has gathered during the qualification process.

I hope these tips help foster better and more tightly aligned goals between sales and lead qualification.