Call Metrics For Outbound Prospecting: Part 2
Call metrics for social media activity count activities and connections. Find how to note and track your outbound prospecting calls, to include social media activity
Call metrics for social media activity count activities and connections. Find how to note and track your outbound prospecting calls, to include social media activity
Some do outbound prospecting by email or calls only. Do we stop measuring at call based metrics only? Consider the role of social media in how we know our prospects.
How does your email marketing program compare? Once you identify your type of business, industry and type of message, check these resources with benchmark statics.
Lead source data tells how a visitor or buyer heard about your company. Knowing a prospect has seen a specific webinar or whitepaper guides your efforts wisely.
How to Use Standard Criteria to Define Your Target Market: look at 4 criteria commonly used to define target markets, like company size, # of employees, & location