If summer is your catch up time, you may want to revisit your CRM system. This system is the hub for sales and lead generation data, which collects, records and reports data on customers and prospects.

CRM technologies enhance the customer experience, make employees more productive and improve company profitability.

CRM Systems Show You What Your Data Means

Systems and technologies can help evaluate the readiness of a prospect to buy. Your technology can provide visitors, buyers and prospects with the information they need and want in a timely way. Systems feed lead generation by letting a company know who is visiting their websites and why. By integrating relevant information into the CRM system, sales, marketing and anyone else in the organization with access, can get relevant prospect data.

10 Point CRM Checklist to Fuel More Sales

But are you getting the greatest productivity from your CRM?  Here is a quick and easy checklist to improve your CRM use to get better information when you need it.


  1. Have you asked your inside sales lead generation representatives how helpful your CRM system is to them?
  2. Is management getting the information they need in a timely fashion?
  3. Is the system easy to navigate? Is it streamlined?  Does navigation flow to help inside sales lead generation representatives do their jobs?
  4. Have you integrated sales intelligence prospecting tools into your CRM? This improves efficiency and productivity for your inside sales lead generation representatives.
  5. Have you customized meaningful inside sales lead generation fields? Look for drop downs to make data entry easier.
  6. Have you captured essential information with minimal data entry, to make it easier to use?
  7. Have you developed a simple, non-cumbersome input process to ensure relevant data is captured in reports?
  8. Do you regularly clean out duplicate data from your CRM database? This reduces everyone’s frustration level, and spares you embarrassment with prospects and customers.
  9. Does your reporting provide meaningful data for decision making and progress review, without compromising lead generation productivity?
  10. Do you integrate relevant data from other sources? Data from other sources added to your CRM gives sales and lead generation staff a more complete view of prospects and customers.

This simple checklist can get you started, or serve as an assessment guide if you are up and running. I hope it helps.