We are all operating personally and professionally in an entirely new world. Our way of working is different than yesterday, and will be different tomorrow. We are all in this together and it’s stressful – I get it. But recently, much email marketing seems hyperactive on steroids you might say. So why am I hitting the delete button? I want a relevant message. Let me explain.
If you ever had to make quick decisions about where to pay attention, it’s today! You must make educated decisions in a matter of seconds, especially about your inbox! I know I am.
So when I finally get to my inbox here’s what I want to see. RELEVANCE! But what is that? Let me give you a few examples to help you make the most of your reader’s time and attention – and yours.
What Relevance Is
You send a relevant message when you:
- Use a short compelling subject line. I know we are in a pandemic, but why should I open this email? Please be clear, concise, helpful and human when sending emails. Your subject line should scream “open me”. If it doesn’t for you as the sender, it certainly won’t for me.
- Make sure your list should include me. I want to hear from someone who can help make my day better. Yes, collaborating with peers is valuable. But please, if I am a competitor, clearly indicate you know this when you identify who you are, and how you can help. You can’t expect to be selling me the same service I offer to my prospects or customers, could you? Know your audience before you hit send.
- Clean your list. If you feel so compelled to reach out, make sure you know who your target market audience is today. First ask yourself, is this really a good idea? Is it okay to blast emails to contacts from your business past? Do you really want to export an old list to send out your new message? Does that list represent your target market today? How old is the list? Who is on the list? Why would you be doing this? What is your most helpful message? Please take your time here. Stop! Question! Ask! Think!
- Think about frequency. Why do you need to send me your messages numerous times in a day? Couldn’t you say what you are seeking once in a single email communication? Why three? Did you not coordinate your efforts internally?
The Importance of Relevant Messaging
Relevance is vital when you correspond with customers and prospects during this very sensitive time. Think about the most relevant message for different groups of people. Consideration and appreciation may be the most appropriate right now. Here’s why:
- A large number of people are doing dangerous or exhausting work. To all our front line medical workers, police and firefighters, delivery personnel, grocery store staff, safety workers, and anyone who must work outside their homes that I failed to mention: Thank you for your service!
- A number of people are working remotely, adjusting to working from home in different ways than they ever expected. Be mindful of these changes and challenges.
- Some of us have become educators and have children that are distance learning. Yes they are on a schedule. And we are ensuring they are adhering to it, handing in assignments on time, studying for tests, and comprehending the material while socializing and helping their friends.
- Parents and children are growing and learning through this experience. Children are learning valuable life lessons and doing chores. Some are relaxing and enjoying family time, all while learning to do this remotely.
- And let’s not forget the seniors for whom it is essential to keep safe and home. Unlike our children, many older people fail to grasp the severity of the pandemic. They may not yet accept why they can’t continue as things were, shopping, visiting friends, children and grandchildren in person.
- Others are struggling through adversity. Some of us are not able to work. That is why this is such a sensitive time.
A Relevant Message Is the Difference Between Being Helpful and Making Noise.
My goal in sharing these experiences is to help you and others. Help yourself to this free guide on our website: Relevant Messaging.
As always, if we can be helpful and address topic(s) that can help you, please reach out. I am happy to share.