Personalize to make your sales messages more compelling

Personalized messages to clients and prospects are one of the keys to our success in attracting clients at Exceed Sales. Helping our clients do the same over the years is one way they have delivered a compelling message.

I read about personalization time after time, yet I continue to receive generic emails, LinkedIn InMail invitations, and phone calls in 2021 that are anything but personalized. Your prospects and customers will remember how you make them feel. A generic correspondence will only serve to help your prospects, and customers feel disconnected from you, your brand, and your company. 

I shared a road map and my thoughts in two of my posts last year to craft a compelling message to prospects and customers. Even though you can follow the steps and outline, and your message can be short, sweet, and to the point, it must most importantly connect you to your prospects or customer. On a personal or professional level, they must read that email or subject line, view the InMail or listen to your voicemail and feel like what you are saying resonates with them: you can help them, you are compelling to them, you are funny, you spark an idea an interest. 

The goal is to impact them positively, so they want to learn more and hear more. The personal touch helps those curious and intrigued to want to talk to you, and prospects and customers actively respond to you. 

That, my fellow sales and marketing professionals, is a tall order that is difficult to perfect. But before you execute, ask yourself: How will this correspondence make the recipient feel? As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Use it as your gauge!


How to Craft a Compelling Message

3 Best Ways to Convey Your Compelling Message