Importance of Downtime

I recently learned the meaning of downtime this past weekend with my son. He entered a challenging high school with a much greater workload. So there will be more study time, more homework, more tests, less recreational time, and less sleep. Not much different from my life going from grammar to high school many moons ago.

The Importance of Downtime

My son enjoys watching football many evenings, especially on Sunday. He told me it never feels like he’s off. So I said take a look at how you are spending your time. So he did. Not much unknown insight, BUT good ole mom made an interesting observation. While watching the football game, the computer was in his hand, and he was using the computer. Mom inquired. Yes, he was studying while watching the football game. The light bulb went off. No downtime. Of course, you feel like you never get a break because you don’t.

So here was and is my advice.

1.) Find time for a break. A short getaway or a 10-minute walk around the block, please do it!

2.) Focus and either work or relax; otherwise, both suffer

3.) Keep your mind clear when you are relaxing. If you are relaxing watching the game, enjoy it, chit-chat with your friends watching it, and put non-relaxing thoughts like work and study out of your head.

If you can genuinely separate and relax, free and clear, you come back fresher and in a better position to overcome and conquer the challenges, you may face.