a year in review
a year in review

I hope our posts helped you achieve success in 2021, and the close of a successful year is a highlight for you and your company in December.

I want to share my thoughts on how to plan for a banner year in 2022. I know that December is the end of the year for many companies, and while the focus is, of course, on closing out the year successfully, the real hard data on annual results will be in the latest first week in January. Analyze and use the data wisely and honestly.

Study 2021 to succeed in 2022:

  • Successes/wins
  • Losses
  • Revenue/Expenses
  • Clients closed/lost
  • Prospect/client current problem
  • Prospect/client current problem resolutions
  • What worked; what didn’t
  • Were 2021 goals achieved?
  • If yes, what did you right?
  • IF not, what did you do wrong?
  • Was your ICP for 2021
  • Did customers fit your ICP?

Once you analyze data and draw conclusions, you’ll be able to make an educated plan for 2022.

In doing so, I remind you of the ideas we shared from 2021:

  1. Personalize to Get a Curious Reaction
  2. Collaboration
  3. The Beauty of the Thank-You Note
  4. Working Remotely In Summer
  5. The Value of the Conversation
  6. Best Times to Call Distinguish Yourself
  7. Keep Success Stories Fresh
  8. Secrets to Success
  9. Quite Frankly Follow Through

These are good blog posts to help you navigate and implement throughout once you develop your 2022 plan. 

Wishing you all the best in the New Year, and I hope 2021 was a great year for you.